Wednesday, October 26, 2011

day 26!

hello! well, i'm almost up 9am my time, but i up way before 9am est so it counts!!!! today i have magnets from yoyo's. i will make yoyo's on car trips, one day i'll be making a quilt and a set of pillows out of them. anyway, i took a couple from my stash, punched a circle out of bat paper and stamp a bat out, added some glitter to the eyes, glued everything on and done! hopefully i'll be able to get something great for y'all tomorrow! head on over to the sidebar and get to hopping! enjoy! lisa


Sharon Sahl said...

Cool idea for the yo-yos! I have that little tool that helps make tiny ones but haven't done it yet! Making them on trips is another great idea!

Sara a.k.a. Eternal Princess Ryan said...

Awesome projects Lisa!!! I love yo-yo's even they don't like me!!! LOL!!! Perfect idea to do create them on trips, when all you get to do is sit there anyways!!!! Wonderful Time Management!!!

Steph said...

What cute little magnets. Never tried making yoyo's before they look pretty cool :)

Unknown said...

great magnets
Luv Jane xxx

KristyLee said...

Oh how fun would that be a bunch of those into a quilt, I have seen quilts made from yoyo's before and they look so cool. If you ever do make one dont forget to post it I would love to see it or just email me a photo!!

Monique's art said...

love the bats, great magnets

Susan said...

Very cute!

DonnaMundinger said...

Super cute! I've never made yoyos. Super fun! xxD

DK Spins said...

Love these yoyo magnets, Lisa! The bats are so cool with their glittery eyes.

ike said...

These are cool - love the little bitty bats....don't know what yoyos are !!!! :-D xxx

I Don't Do Straight said...

These are going to make great Yoyo's!