Monday, October 31, 2011


hello and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! can you believe it's already here! wow, we made it 31 days!!!!! remember all the dominos that i've made through out the month? well here's 3 more and the finished project! i used the fly stamp from yesterday (someone asked me where i got the stamp from, it came from a scrapbook store that has since closed :(, and i don't remember the company, i'm sorry)

i'm sorry for the pictures, but i tried really hard to get good ones for y'all. the base of my tree is one of my glass candle jars. i shoved a stryofoam ball into the jar. cut out 9 pieces of bailing wire out and glued and shoved them into the ball and spray painted the whole thing black

 i hot glued moss to the base to hide the mess. (for this project i did use good spray paint) i added a bunch of glue, before adding the moss, around the ball to make sure it would sit right.

guys, i had a blast! thank you all so much for the kind and wonderful comments that y'all have left for me! it was an honor being apart of this hop and i can't wait until next year!!!!!! head on over to the sidebar and get to hopping! i hope y'all will come back for 'let's sew wednesday' on wednesday ;). enjoy! lisa


ike said...

AWESOME - that looks soooo good and you are the ace of domino alteration !!! It was me that asked about the flies !! :-D Those pumpkins look fabulous - are they real ??? I've never seen such beautiful pumpkins !!
I hope you're going to have pumpkin pie ?? Happy Halloween xxxxx

Monique's art said...

love the tree, looks awesoem

Sharon Sahl said...

Wow! I've loved all of your dominos and they look so good on your tree! Fabulous decorations!

KristyLee said...

Your dominoes look great! And how wonderful is that tree that you made out of wire and paint this Rocks girl!
Happy Halloween!

Sara a.k.a. Eternal Princess Ryan said...

Lisa... I love the fly domino's and your final project with them is so cool!!! I love it!!! I am so glad that I got to know you a bit better!!! I hope to get to know even more about you before next year!!! You are very creative and I have really enjoyed seeing all of your creations!!!

DonnaMundinger said...

OHHH, your tree turned out FABULOUS! So loving those dominos! Happy Halloween and thanks for being such a fab inspiration all month. xxD

Laura B said...

Awesome dominoes and tree!:)

Unknown said...

Loved all your dominoes your tree looks awesome
Luv Jane xxx

Steph said...

How cool this turned out! I'm lovin' the domino tree :) Thanks for sharing so many cool ideas this month. :)

Susan said...

very cool tree!
Great month :)
Thanks, Susan

I Don't Do Straight said...

Your tree looks FAB with all your gorgeous altered dominoes :)